
Cpc token
Contact address

Cpc token maximum supply: 71 million
Circulating supply: 51 million

Uses in all types of utilities

IconRecharge Bill

Recharge, Dth, Electricity, Gas bill, Water bill Fastag, Gift card, loan bill payments etc, .

Icon Use case

Currently 30 projects are under development. 2 projects that are active very closely It is a globally marketed betting platform and gaming platform.

IconGaming Platform

The gaming platform will have the facility to play live games, buy games and sell games to gaming developers.


Other Projects

Coin pay Blockchain

CoinPay Blockchain, (fully decentralized, scalable and secure CPC chain) * Global Coin Bank .

Native currency

* Native currency cpc coin (only cpc coin is used for all transactions in the coinpay ecosystem)

listing cpc coins

More than listing cpc coins on other exchanges, CoinPay is constantly striving to create hundreds of usecases and build a large ecosystem that connects it to each other.

Coin Pay Bet

Coin Pay Bet

Soon we are introducing coinpay bet. There will be 3 lucky draws each with daily 1 lack USDT prize money and monthly lucky draw with 1 crore USDT prize money. There will be lucky draws in half-years giving 10 crore USDT prize money.

So, we are describing the prize structure and affiliate marketing incentives for the newly launched "Coinpay Bet" website within the Coinpay ecosystem. Here's a summary:

Lucky Draws

1. Daily Lucky Draws: 3 draws with a prize money of 1 lakh USDT each.

2. Monthly Lucky Draw: 1 draw with a prize money of 1 crore USDT.

3. Half-Yearly Lucky Draws: 2 draws with a prize money of 10 crore USDT each.

Affiliate Marketing Incentives

1. Direct Sponsor: Earn 0.5% of the betting amount from lucky draw participants.

2. Profit Commission: Up to 5 levels of upline commission, with each level earning 5% of the prize money.

This structure incentivizes affiliate marketers to promote the platform and attract participants to the lucky draws.

Example - 1. Direct sponsor earns 5% ($5,000 USDT) on a winning prize of 1 lakh USDT.
         2. Their sponsor earns 5% of $5,000 USDT (=$250 USDT), and so on, up to 5 levels.